Monday, November 15, 2010

Lose Your Child; Get Kicked in the Teeth

An unbelievable story out of Connecticut, involving a driver with past multiple convictions for DUI's, who is currently serving time in prison for vehicular manslaughter due to striking and killing a 17 year old boy as he was recklessly driving his car at reportedly 85 mph in a 45 mph zone.

He is suing the dead boys' parents for negligence, because he was allegedly skateboarding in the street and not wearing a helmet.  Never mind that he was going way beyond the speed limit at the time. The fact that according to tests performed at the time, he was sober behind the wheel, doesn't lessen the crime.

Driver in Fatal Connecticut Crash Sues Victim's Parents

Apparently, prisoners file lawsuits quite often, but it's usually based on perceived, or maybe actual, injustices that they are undergoing while incarcerated. Rarely do they file suits against the victim or their family.

What do you think after reading the article? Does the man have a valid point? Or is he just using every available means to deflect culpability by raising even the most ridiculous accusation possible?

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