Friday, October 29, 2010

Driverless Cars in the News Again!

Another interesting report, this time by a team led by Italian engineering researchers, that involves two vans traveling 8,000 miles from Italy to China, ending in Shanghai. One of the reasons for the experiment, explained the engineers who designed the computerized system, was to be able to help motorists reduce accidents with advanced technology.

Sounds wonderful...and, for now at least...expensive...

Four Vans Travel 8,000 Miles Without Drivers

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A (Fortunately) Rare Occurrence Captured on Film

A couple of weeks ago, a seemingly innocuous parked car suddenly exploded in San Francisco's Financial District, totally engulfing the vehicle in flames. No, fortunately it was not, as people presumed initially, a terrorist attack, since the car was parked beside a Wells Fargo Bank branch, but a catastrophic malfunctioning of the engine. Luckily the owner of the car was not inside at the time, and was not injured.

Here's a video about the incredible event:

What would make a car burst into flames suddenly? According to The Driver Guy, most probably it was a leak in the fuel line that dripped onto the electrical wiring, therefore sparking an explosion. In the video, you can see gawkers, and cars coming down the street where the explosion occurred. Please folks, if you see a car on fire, try to stay well away from the area for your safety as well as others. Also remember, when you hear emergency vehicle sirens, please move to the right and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed: it's the law! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Tired of dealing with an imbecilic secretary who gets dates and locations wrong? Want a quicker, easier way to see available spots and dates for your next lesson?

If you are, you're in luck! We have introduced online booking on our website so you can book your next behind the wheel lesson any time, day or night, without having to wait till the office opens at 12:00 noon. You can even add a note to your appointment if you need to for The Driver Guy.

We hope you will go online and book your appointments---it's fast, easy, and fun!

For more information, please go to our website at

For more information about our Teen Program, please go to

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Red Light Runner-Predictable Tragedy

Another article from the LA Times, describing the predictable carnage committed by a teenage red light runner.

3 Youths Held in Eastside School Bus Crash

Please people, never forget--driving is a deadly serious activity! It takes skill, both mental and physical. Your actions (or inactions) behind the wheel could have devastating consequences.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tips For Success for the Big Test!

Remember The Driver Guy's tip for your success at The Test. Yes, --that test-- to get your provisional license after all the hard work learning and practicing driving well so you can become independent, and your parents or older siblings or friends, get the idea...don't have to drive you all over the place!

After your second lesson, please go to the DMV Website or call, and schedule your Behind the Wheel test one month out from when you want to take the test. Then call us back at 760-298-2277 or 760-500-9559 to schedule your third lesson approximately one week before your test.

Between the last lesson and the test, you will have more time to practice your skills and prepare over all for your big day!

Another tip: please don't call and schedule your final appointment with us without giving at least three to four weeks notice, as we may not be able to find open spots for you on our busy schedule, and it's unfair to other students to ask them to re-schedule their times and dates to accommodate you. After all, you wouldn't like it if that happened to you, now would you?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Needless Tragedy For Two Families

From the Sacramento Bee comes an article describing a woman who, upon her fifth, and this time fatal, DUI was sent to prison for 30 plus years to life because of her preventable actions.

In essence, driving a car is akin to driving a guided missile: it kills.

Because of this woman's actions, not only has the victim's family lost their loved one, but the woman essentially lost her life as well. Is being in prison for the rest of your life because you chose to drink and drive considered "living"? Assuredly, not to most people.

It's something to think about.

Judge Issues Maximum Sentence

For more information about Alliance Defensive Driving School, please go to:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Parents: Please Be Involved in Your Teens Training! You'll Be Glad You Were!

Another interesting article in the NY Times about how parents very often end up not teaching their teens adequate skills in driving. The article mentions that most of the time, the lessons devolve into stressful episodes for both parent and child.

Study says teens need more driver training from parents

Teaching a loved one if very often an exercise in frustration, especially when it involves a skill that has dangerous consequences if not taught properly. Familiarity, and feelings of inadequacy at trying to teach probably play a significant role in these sessions.

Yet, it is very important for the parent to be as much involved as possible with their teen while they are learning this important skill.

We at Alliance Defensive Driving School encourage the parents to be involved with their child's driving practice as much as possible as we've found that active parental involvement can make a substantial difference in the ultimate success of their child. At the very least, we like the parent to go along on their child's first lesson, so they can see how their child is being taught, and how their child is reacting to this new learning experience.

So often the attitude concerning driving seems to be geared toward it being a right, rather than the privilege it is. Never forget the importance, in terms of safety as well as money, how important it is to learn how to drive correctly and defensively. Ultimately, through out your driving life, you will be glad you did!

For more information about Alliance Defensive Driving School, please go to:

For more information about our Teen Program, please go to:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Self Driving Car? Sounds like Heaven To Some!

Apparently Google is expanding it's world domination by getting involved in the automotive industry. According to this interesting article in the New York Times, Google has been working on a fully computerized car for quite some time, and by the sound of it, is having quite a few successes with their experiments!

This is good news for those who don't particularly enjoy driving, yet are dependent on a car for daily transportation.

Hmmm...wonder if Apple is now working on the "iCar"....

Google Cars Can Drive Themselves, In Traffic

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another Student

Meet Brandon, another one of Alliance Defensive Driving School's successful students, well on his way to becoming an expert and safe driver.

Pictured with Brandon is Louis, our new "teaching associate" i.e. training car. He is a 2009 Toyota Corolla, outfitted with both gas and brake pedals on the passenger side for ultimate safety!

A very nice picture of two handsome guys!

Happy Driving Brandon!

Brandon (holding certificate) and "Louis", our new training car

For more information on Alliance Defensive Driving School, please go to our newly re-designed website at:

For more information about our Teen Programs, please go to:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another Tragic Reminder...

....of why you should never believe you can beat a train! Either by foot, as this kid did, or by car.

12 Year Old Killed Trying to Beat Train In Fresno

It never fails, the train is going to always win in the end--no matter how fast you think you are, or how far you think the train is.

Have you ever been tempted to try and cross the tracks when you know a train is coming?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

And The Message Goes On...

Another interesting article on the dangers of texting and driving. Though we DO NOT recommend that you start drinking and driving! Despite the title of the article, in reality, you are NOT better off driving drunk!

Awhile back we published articles relating to studies conducted by the University of Utah and Virginia Tech on their findings regarding texting and driving. This article further corroborates the findings.

The next time you feel an overwhelming desire to whip out your iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, or ordinary cell phone, just remember, it may be the last text you'll ever make. Is it worth it?

Remember, driving a car is akin to handling a loaded weapon. Improperly used, the results can be just as deadly.

Texters You're Better Off Driving Drunk

Monday, October 4, 2010


Now see what can happen when you are driving while distracted? Luckily for the woman the police chief did not cite her on the spot!

Distracted Driver Rear-ends Police Chief

What do you think after reading this article? Should the police chief have fined her? His argument that it wouldn't have been wise to do so as he was involved in the collision. But is that a valid ethical dilemma. Some readers of the article commented that it wasn't, and that he should have cited her.

What's your opinion?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Terrific Toronto!

We're back after an extended absence. To all our readers, we apologize for the lack of updates. Things have been rather hectic around Alliance Defensive Driving School, with new students, new friends, and a recent week long trip to Toronto, Ontario.

Toronto is the largest city in Canada, with approximately 5 million residents, offering a multitude of interesting sights and sounds. It is also the capital of the Province of Ontario and the Provincial Government is headquartered in the City. Team Alliance managed to take some interesting pictures of this very dynamic city. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we did not get to see all of the sights, but we did manage to get to the Royal Ontario Museum, and see a fascinating exhibit of the Chinese Terracotta Army, among other things.

Aside from the Terracotta Army and other more permanent exhibits, one of the more interesting things about it was it's exterior!

The Royal Ontario Museum and it's new addition--an architect trying to
eat a previous architect's work.
As with many large cities in North America, Toronto is having to cope with it's share of traffic congestion, and the emergence of the bicycle culture in an environment designed for vehicular traffic. Bicycle lanes are being added onto many streets, often narrowing roadways to drivers in order to accommodate the new lanes, with the usual debates of cars versus bikes ensuing.

One of the more interesting things Team Alliance noted was the traffic sign parallel to the traffic light that is geared toward pedestrian traffic, rather than the usual vehicular traffic (click on the picture to see a bigger version of the photo):

"Pedestrians Obey Your Signals" Reminder at Bloor St. W. , Toronto

"Pedestrians Obey Your Signals" Yes indeed! A very important, yet all too rare, reminder, that, for ultimate safety, pedestrians as well as drivers have to obey the signals too. So often, the emphasis on traffic rules is solely placed on vehicles, but quite often the pedestrian is just as guilty for flouting the law and creating a potentially dangerous situation. On a daily basis, Team Alliance sees pedestrians walking against a red light, seemingly unperturbed that they are taking someone else's right of way, even if there seems to be no vehicle in the immediate vicinity. A car can travel extraordinary distances in a very short amount of time, even if it's going at the legal speed limit.  It is very foolish for people to assume that it is safe to cross just because there are cars half a block away. Never underestimate the power of a vehicle!

Remember, it only takes an extra second to be safe!