Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An Experimental, But (Hopefully In Future) Permanent Law To Go Into Effect July 1

A law that is more experimental than permanent is to go into effect tomorrow, July 1, 2010, making ignition interlock devices on cars belonging to first time and repeat DUI offenders mandatory in several California counties. Unfortunately San Diego County is not on the list of counties where this law is applicable. At least not yet.

The experiment will run five years, at which time the legislature will review the findings regarding the effectiveness of the new law. Hopefully, the law will clamp down on DUI's enough so that lawmakers will indeed expand the law throughout the rest of California.

DMV: Ignition Interlock Law Takes Effect July 1

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Great Idea? Or a Supremely Bad One?

Here's a link to the latest money making venture proposed by the State of California: ad displaying digital license plates. Yes, you read that correctly. Ads on digital license plates.

A host of interesting questions just beg to be asked regarding this idea, the first one being: isn't the whole idea of license plates a way to quickly convey valuable information about a vehicle and it's owner, and nothing else, when checked by the DMV? Even personalized license plates, which may double as an ad for the car owner's business, still function as an vital piece of information that doesn't really distract from it's primary intended purpose. And speaking of inattentiveness, wouldn't an ad that kept changing on a car in front of you be considered a dangerous distraction as it would lure your attention away from the business of keeping your eyes moving and on the road, thus preventing an accident?

Of course, those pushing for the new fangled plates say all those concerns are being addressed as we debate this exciting opportunity. Are they truly, one wonders?

California lawmakers consider license plates that flash ads

What are your thoughts regarding this...ahem...interesting idea? Good, bad or...meh (shrugs shoulders)...?

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do you really want to drive next to a car that has 15 cats roaming inside it?

A South Dakota court has ruled that driving around with 15 loose cats inside is indeed a safety hazard. Uh...yes, Team Alliance thinks so too!

S.D. 15 Cats in Car is Too Risky

Alliance Defensive Driving School's two mascots, Poppy and Benny, always ride in the car with their own veterinarian approved safety belts, which attach to the car's seat belts. Driving a car with any loose animal is simply asking for trouble, and is also a danger for the animal itself. Please, as you do with your human friends and family, buckle up your furry companions for your own and their sake. After all, they're depending on you, their driver, to be responsible for their well being!

For more information about Alliance Defensive Driving School, please go to:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Parallel Parker Extraordinaire! Of course!

Meet Tara, another one of The Driver Guy's first try Champion Parallel Parkers! Congratulations Tara!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

An Issue of Safety or Just a Mere Money Maker For Cash Strapped Cities?

We ran across an article in the North County Times that seems to put more emphasis on the profitability of red light cameras, than on the possibility that they might just save lives.

For us and our students, the emphasis should be on the improved safety factor of having the cameras, though unfortunately the issue does generate the usual hue and cry of, "it's just another way of finding more profit for the city from it's citizens". The tone of the  article seems to enforce this unfortunate perception of the cameras, while paying scant attention to their true intended purpose: to catch red light runners and make them aware, (yes, monetarily--it's called waking them up by hitting them in the pocketbook), that what they are doing could be potentially lethal.

Escondido: Red Light Cameras Not Jeopardized By Contract Change

What do you think? Is the program a mere money maker, or do you feel that it has cut down on red light runners and thus saved lives?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Very Easily Preventable Tragedy

Here is a link to an article about an elderly woman whose unfortunate death was most probably caused because she forgot to set the parking brake on her car.

Oakland Woman Run Over, Killed By Own Vehicle

A tip: when you are learning to drive, get into the life saving habit of always setting the parking brake after you put the car in "Park". Even on level ground, this extra step will add a layer of protection should something occur with the car.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Chalk Up Another Success from the Professor of Parallel Parking!

Yes, The Driver Guy has done it again! Unleashed onto the world another perfect parallel parker! The latest is Melanie! Congratulations Melanie! Now you can teach your friends and family how to park like a real pro!