Friday, November 12, 2010

Distracted Driving: Screaming Babies, Flying Binkies

From the Huffington Post an interesting blog post regarding the hazards of driving while your infant is screaming in the back seat. As David Petrie, the author, points out, most of the attention to distracted driving involves texting while driving. But, there are countless other distractions that could be just as dangerous, but are not given the publicity that texting and driving are.

What do you find are personally distracting to you when you drive?  Please share, you may make someone more aware of a potentially hazardous distraction that they'd never thought of.

Distracted Driving: Are Back Seat Kids Worse Than Texting?

1 comment:

  1. Driver’s education programs are required by law to help teach teenagers how to drive. These courses give the new driver the needed tools to understand the rules of the road. A driver must understand what the rules are in order to drive safely.
